Terms & Conditions


Welcome to Noah Wire Services, a trading name of Newsgathering UK Ltd, a leading provider of AI-driven news content generation services based in the UK. Our suite of services, including Editors Friend, Content Friend, and Journalist Friend, is designed to revolutionise how news content is drafted, tailored, and disseminated. These services are powered by software provided by Worldwide AI Media Ltd, our technology partner. By accessing and using our news drafting services, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions and any documents they expressly incorporate by reference.

Noah Wire Services Rights and User Obligations

Copyright and Intellectual Property

Worldwide AI Media Ltd and its licensors own all intellectual property rights in the content, software, and services provided under the Noah Wire Services brand. By using our services, you are granted a limited, revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable licence to use the content and software in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. Unauthorised use, reproduction, or distribution of the content or software is prohibited.

Payment and Subscription Terms

Services are billed on a subscription basis. Payment is due upon receipt of invoice, with charges considered overdue after 30 days. Overdue accounts may be subject to late fees, suspension, or termination of services. Special pricing or service considerations may be revoked upon default.

Licence, Acknowledgements, and Warranties

By submitting material to Noah Wire Services, you grant Newsgathering UK Ltd and Worldwide AI Media Ltd the right to distribute, display, reproduce, edit, and modify the material as part of our services. You warrant that all materials are original or you have the right to use them, and they do not infringe on any rights or contain prohibited content.

User Responsibilities

Accuracy and Verification

Users are solely responsible for verifying the accuracy and legality of the content before publication. Noah Wire Services, Newsgathering UK Ltd, and Worldwide AI Media Ltd are not liable for any errors or inaccuracies in the content provided.


Users agree to indemnify and hold harmless Newsgathering UK Ltd, Worldwide AI Media Ltd, Noah Wire Services, and their affiliates against any claims arising from the use of our services, breach of these Terms, or violation of any law or rights of a third party.

Limitations of Liability

Noah Wire Services, Newsgathering UK Ltd, and Worldwide AI Media Ltd will not be liable for any indirect, incidental, consequential, special, or punitive damages arising out of or related to these Terms, or the services provided. In any event, our total liability will not exceed the amount paid by the user for the services.

Press Release Submissions

Accuracy and Liability for Submitted Content

Users who submit press releases or other news content to Noah Wire Services for distribution are solely responsible for the accuracy, completeness, and legality of the information contained therein. By submitting a press release or news content, you warrant and represent that all information is true, accurate, and not misleading to the best of your knowledge. Noah Wire Services does not verify the accuracy of submitted content and bears no responsibility for any errors, omissions, or misrepresentations contained within.

Indemnification for Submitted Content

You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Noah Wire Services, Newsgathering UK Ltd, Worldwide AIMedia Ltd, and their respective officers, directors, employees, and agents from and against any claims, liabilities, damages, losses, costs, expenses, or fees (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) arising from or relating to the content of your submitted press releases or news content.

Right to Refuse or Remove Content

Noah Wire Services reserves the right to refuse publication or distribution of any submitted content that we believe, in our sole discretion, to be inaccurate, false, misleading, or otherwise inappropriate. We also reserve the right to remove any previously published content if we later become aware of inaccuracies or potential legal issues.

Compliance with Journalistic Standards

You agree to adhere to generally accepted journalistic standards and ethics when submitting content for distribution through Noah Wire Services. This includes clearly distinguishing between facts and opinions, providing sources for factual claims when appropriate, and avoiding sensationalism or deliberate misinformation.

Newswire and Draft Content

Provision of Newswire Content

Noah Wire Services provides a newswire sourced from the Internet and suggests draft content for users. These are preliminary drafts intended as starting points for further editorial work.

Nature of Drafts

All content provided by Noah Wire Services, including newswire items and suggested drafts, are to be considered as initial drafts requiring further editorial review, fact-checking, and validation by the user. Users, as publishers, are responsible for verifying all information against original sources, even when those sources are provided by Noah Wire Services.

User Responsibility for Published Content

Users bear full responsibility for all content they choose to publish, including any modifications made to our suggested drafts. Noah Wire Services cannot be held responsible for any content published by users, regardless of whether it originated from our newswire or suggested drafts.

Third-Party Liability

Noah Wire Services may accept limited liability for claims from third parties (not the publisher) related to inaccurate content, subject to all of the following conditions: a) The user has not deviated from or altered the suggested draft provided by Noah Wire Services.
b) The user has not used our system to personalise or modify the draft using any of our marketing or editing tools.
c) The user took reasonable steps to verify the accuracy of the information before publication.
d) Any inaccuracy was a genuine mistake, not resulting from the user’s negligence or intentional misrepresentation.
e) Upon receiving a complaint or realising there is a mistake (whichever occurs first), the user immediately removed the content and issued a retraction.
f) The user did not engage in any dialogue with the complainant before informing Noah Wire Services of the complaint.

Procedure for Complaints

Users must immediately inform Noah Wire Services of any third-party complaints received regarding content sourced from our newswire. Users must not engage in dialogue with complainants before notifying Noah Wire Services.

Content Removal and Retraction

In the event of a third-party complaint or discovery of a mistake, users must immediately remove the content in question and issue a retraction.

Discretion and Limitation

Noah Wire Services reserves the right to determine, at its sole discretion, whether the above conditions have been met in any given situation. Our responsibility for inaccurate content is strictly limited to third-party claims and only in cases where all the above conditions are satisfied.

Client Control Over News Sources

Legal Context

Generally speaking and specifically under UK law, news content is largely exempt from copyright law provided it merely reports facts and does not directly copy phrases or text. Most news providers source their news from other news outlets, and Noah Wire Services operates within these standard industry norms.

User Control

To help customers feel in control of their news sources and content, we provide the ability to choose, feed by feed and article by article, whether to accept a source or not. This option is available both during the setup of feeds and when generating each article.

Source Codes

AAA: Trending in multiple national newspapers, making it highly unlikely any one publication can claim ownership.
AA: Published by one national newspaper.
OS: Published in a lesser-known publication or blog, sourced from the Internet.
PR: Information received directly from a PR source, with no copyright infringement.
LN: Local news sources, ideal for regional coverage.
TR: Trade papers or blogs.

Responsibility for Sources

In a world of uncertainty surrounding AI and its usage, Noah Wire Services cannot be responsible for the sources users choose. This is why we provide the flexibility to switch off sources to fit your business’s governance rules.

Data Sharing and Processing

By using Noah Wire Services, you acknowledge and agree that your data will be shared with and processed by Worldwide AI Media Ltd, who provides the software that handles data and client management systems. Both Newsgathering UK Ltd and Worldwide AI Media Ltd are committed to protecting your data in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

Liability and Legal Disputes

Primary Liability

Newsgathering UK Ltd assumes all primary liability for any legal disputes, claims, or issues arising from the use of Noah Wire Services, including but not limited to copyright infringements, defamation, and other legal claims related to content.

Technology Provider Liability

Worldwide AI Media Ltd, as the technology provider, is not liable for any content-related disputes or legal issues. Their liability is limited to the provision of the software and ensuring its functionality.

Technology and Data Ownership

Intellectual Property

All intellectual property rights in the content, software, and services provided under the Noah Wire Services brand are owned by Worldwide AI Media Ltd and their respective licensors.

Data Protection

User data processed through the services will be handled in compliance with applicable data protection laws. Worldwide AI Media Ltd retains ownership of the software and data handling systems.

Continuity of Service

Service Reformation Clause

In the event of a legal dispute that impacts Newsgathering UK Ltd, Noah Wire Services reserves the right to reform and continue its services under a new brand or operating entity. This new entity will continue to use the software and technology provided by Worldwide AI Media Ltd to ensure uninterrupted service for